L’chu N’ranena at Mah Tovu, Friday January 3,  6PM

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The Chicagoland Egalitarian community is warmly invited to:
L’chu N’ranena @ Mah Tovu, Friday January 3,  6PM
A First-Fridays Song-Forward Trad-Egal Kabbalat Shabbat
7315 N Western Avenue in Rogers Park
 To Register and see more information:  http://tiny.cc/LchuRegistration  
This month, there is an opportunity to sign up for a dairy pot luck dinner at a private home in the 
West Rogers Park area following the service. 
About L’chu N’ranena:
“L’chu N’ranena” is a framing invitation for collective, exclamatory, songful prayer. It signals the repeating melody that we use to open and close some of the Pslams of Kabbalat Shabbat: Joey Weisenberg’s L’chu N’ranena. Its recognizability facilitates the collectivity of “L’chu N’ranena,” making it possible to “pass the nigun (melody) around” for different daveners to lead some of these Psalms, helping to shape LN as a participatory davening space. We use a range of older and newer tunes. While some of the tunes may be new to you, we hope others will be familiar. We have a Spotify Playlist: http://tiny.cc/PlaylistJan3 for collecting songs and melodies that you are interested in hearing in the future, so that you can add your own voice to our davening community in that way too; we share a specific set-list the week of LN. We daven the full Kabbalat Shabbat liturgy as it appears in Siddur Sim Shalom. With our focus on relishing Kabbalat Shabbat and its rich melodies, we don’t officially daven Ma’ariv, and end with Kiddush and a simple Oneg Shabbat.
About Mah Tovu:
Mah Tovu is a lay-led congregation that meets every weekday morning, each Shabbat morning and afternoon, and all Jewish holidays. Everyone, regardless of gender, may participate equally, as skill and desire allow, in leading services and all other aspects of the congregation. Mah Tovu is affiliated with the Conservative movement, and is the only non-Orthodox congregation in the Rogers Park neighborhood of Chicago.
Access, Child-Space, COVID-19: 
Mah Tovu is a fully accessible building with non-gendered bathrooms. The building has a children’s playroom that will be available to use at your own supervision. We don’t require masking, but of course anyone may mask if they wish. There are a limited number of masks available at Mah Tovu. We will be setting up the chairs in a tight concentric circle, Hadar Rising Song style, but will also include some chairs in the back couple rows which are more spread out. Siddurim will be available at Mah Tovu, including some with transliteration.
Transportation and Parking: 
Mah Tovu is reachable by public transit via the Western, Howard or Touhy bus lines. There is ample free street parking in the neighborhood, as well as in the small parking lot just to the north of Mah Tovu. If you wish to park there, do not park in any numbered spaces or you will be towed! Only park in the spaces facing north and south closest to Western Ave. Please look at the attached diagram to get a better idea of where to park.
Questions? Reach out to L’chu N’ranena organizers Shira Schwartz (LN) and Susie Buchbinder (Mah Tovu)


Susan and Shira
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